Indah Purnamasari, Sri Utami


Era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution provides a strategic opportunity for educational world to integrate ICT progress in the learning process. PBL-BL is a problem based learning that is applied face to face and combined with online learning or called blended learning. The research aims to encourage student response to the implementation of PBL-BL in the course of Biology Cell. The instrument used is a poll consisting of 20 closed statement indicators. The poll was given to 18 students who took courses in Biology Cell both before and after the application of PBL-BL. The Data is analyzed qualitatively and interpreted according to the criteria set. The student response poll of the PBL-BL consists of 6 aspects covering the attention, relevance, self confident, ICT literacy, attitude and student assessment. The results showed students response to PBL-BL in good category with an average percentage of 68.14% before application and increased to 73.51% after application in the course of Biology Cell. Based on the results of response interpretation students, the PBL-BL can be accepted as one of the learning strategies relevant to the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.


Keywords: Biology Cell, Blended Learning, Problem Based Learning, Student Respons

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