Raras Setyo Retno, Sri Utami, Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna


The purpose of this research is to establish student independence in the application of green living in elementary schools. Besides analyzing the character of caring for the environment with approach to green life. Green Living has a strategic role in raising environmental awareness that is currently experiencing a decline. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using interview, observation and documentation methods. Qualitative data in the form of planning and application of the chosen character's values for environmental care education are analyzed and interpreted in a descriptive form. The results showed that the character of students' love for the environment in the form of discipline, responsibility, timely, independent, and creative through eco-friendly economic approaches that accustom students to always maintain cleanliness, neatness and care for the environment. The habit starts with washing hands, throwing trash in its place, and processing used goods


Key words : student independence, environmental care, green living

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