Optimalisasi Sistem Pelayanan Permohonan Bibit Ikan (Sipebi) Di Dinas Pertanian Dan Perikanan Kabupaten Madiun Berbasis Web

Frida Dwi Aviona


So far, the process of distributing fish seeds is still using manual methods where every farmer who needs fish seeds must first go to the Office of Agriculture and Fisheries to get forms that must be filled out and returned to the officer in the distribution of fish seeds. The purpose of this study was to find out the design process and produce an application system to optimize services at the Web-Based Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Madiun Regency, while the benefits derived from this research are to optimize the process of submitting requests for fish seed assistance at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Madiun Regency . by creating a system for submitting fish seeds online and accessible anywhere.Making a fish seed application system will be realized using the waterfall method, in practice not all farmer groups can get fish seed assistance, even so each farmer group can apply for fish seed assistance to be distributed to its members. Currently the Office of Agriculture and Fisheries of Madiun Regency has a system that can process the data needed to submit requests for fish seeds.The system design carried out by researchers resulted in a Web-based Fish Seed Request System at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Madiun Regency which can improve service or optimize the process of requesting rocks from fish farmers to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries which has been done manually and from the results of testing the application system fish seeds (SIPEBI) using White Box Testing and Black Box Testing it can be concluded that the system can run as expected.


Web, Waterfall, White Box dan Black Box

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