Simulasi Expert Choice dalam Pengukuran Performansi Perawatan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti, Retno Wahyusari, Helmi Gunawan, Suluh Jatmiko


A learning media has an important role, because the lack of clarity in the learning material delivered can be helped by presenting the media as an intermediary. With increasingly complex user characteristics, learning media are not taken into account for maintenance and maintenance and become damaged thereby reducing performance in supporting learning activities. Responsible care and maintenance is needed to ensure that each learning media owned can run optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine efforts to increase the performance of learning media maintenance activities by carrying out alternative repair models of maintenance that refer to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis. The main factors that affect the maintenance of instructional media are repairing (43.4%), checking (31.3%) and cleaning (25.6%) factors. In terms of repairing, alternative learning media that are prioritized for maintenance are PCs, LCD projectors, and LED TVs. As for checking, alternative learning media that are prioritized for maintenance are PCs, LCD projectors, and laptops. Meanwhile, in terms of cleaning, alternative learning media that are prioritized for maintenance are PCs, printers, and LCD projectors.


AHP, Expert Choice, Kriteria, Perawatan

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