Lusia Kristiasih Dwi P., Titis Agunging Tyas


The scientific approach has a series of scientific activities. The aim of these activities is to equip students with hard skills and soft skills. Scientific approach formulated at the operational level in the form of lesson plans and practical level in the process of RPP execution in the classroom. The subjects are presented in a clear and simple form. At this point there is a gap between the complexity of the scientific approach on one hand and simplicity of presentation on the other hand. Therefore, the creativity of a teacher is needed. The problem of this research is about how teachers interpret scientific approach to the operational principle and practice. The research location is at Junior High School in Madiun that implement K13. The data of this study is the description of teaching and learning and documentation. The data is collected by using observation, documentation, and interviews. The validity of the data is checked using triangulation, member checking, and external audit and analysed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification.The results achieved in this study are the description of scientific approaches and principles in the learning process. It was found that teachers do not only use one technique at every stage and those stages cannot be implemented in one meeting. It depends on the student’s ability. The principles of scientific approach is portrayed a situation that some of these principles do not occur optimally. Therefore, the researchers suggested to hold of refreshment in the form of training, seminars or workshops on the scientific approach.


Scientific Approach; K13; SMP

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