Asa Nur Aini, Hari Purwanto


The city of Madiun has experienced changes and improvements in all respects in recent years, including in the economic field. One form of this change is the establishment of the Madiun City Sunday Market. The many types of events that exist at the Madiun City Sunday Market are able to attract the interest of the Madiun City Community to visit, especially coupled with the good and strategic facilities and location of the Madiun City Sanday Market. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of event, facility and location variables on the interest in visiting the Sunday Market in Madiun City. This type of research is survey research using a quantitative approach. The sample in this study amounted to 384 respondents, where the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. While the data was taken from the data collection instrument using a questionnaire, the collected data was then processed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that event, facility and location variables had a positive and significant impact on visiting intentions.

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