Arnanda Setyoko, M. Agus Sudrajat, Moh. Ubaidillah


The purpose of this study is to determine the performance measurement applied by the Madiun City Government and to determine the performance measurement using the Balanced Scorecard concept approach. The research method uses data collection procedures by means of literature studies, field studies and questionnaires. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive method. The results of the study based on the Balanced scorecard approach showed that from a financial perspective it was considered economical with a percentage of 89.45%, considered less efficient with a percentage of 102.73%, considered effective with a percentage of 102.48%. From the customer's perspective, the conversion rate is only 75.32969 categorized as less in service. From the internal business process perspective, the average number of 3.33152 is categorized as good in internal processes. From the growth and learning perspective, the average number of 3,27976 is categorized as good in building a better government organization.

Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, Performance Measurement, Finance, Customers, Growth and Learning, Internal Business Processes.

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