Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi Dan Etika Kerja Islam Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Mts Negeri Madiun

Alyf Alifyan Prasetyo


Human resources in this case are employees who are valuable assets that are used to achieve the
goals and strategic objectives of the organization, for this reason competent, reliable, and visionary
human resources are needed to achieve employee job satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction can be
influenced by the amount of organizational commitment and the application of Islamic work ethics in
the organization. This study aims to provide empirical evidence that (1) organizational commitment
influences job satisfaction of MTs Negeri Madiun employees; (2) Islamic work ethics affect job
satisfaction of MTs Negeri Madiun employees; and (3) organizational commitment and Islamic work
ethics together affect the job satisfaction of MTs Negeri Madiun employees. This research is
quantitative research. Data collection is done by observation, questionnaires, and documentation.
Data collection through questionnaires was conducted to teachers and employees of MTs Negeri
Madiun totaling 100 people out of a total of 108 teachers and employees of MTs Negeri Madiun. The
results show that organizational commitment partially influenced job satisfaction of MTs Negeri
Madiun employees. This can be proven by t-count> t-table or 2.974> 1.7011 and the significance is
0.006 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Other results from the research show that
partially Islamic work ethics have no effect on job satisfaction of MTs Negeri Madiun employees.
This can be proven by t-count> t-table or 1.346 <1.7011 and the significance is 0.189> 0.05 then
H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. Another result of the study shows that simultaneous
organizational commitment and Islamic work ethics influence the job satisfaction of MTs Negeri
Madiun employees. This can be proven by F-count> F-table or 4.714> 3.354 and the significance is
0.018 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted and the degree of determination is 0.140 or
14.0%. This shows that the percentage influence of organizational commitment variables and
Islamic work ethics is able to explain employee job satisfaction by 14.0% and the remaining 86.0%
is influenced by other factors.

Full Text:



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