Analisis Komparasi Harga Saham, Abnormal Return, dan Trading Volume Activity Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemilu Serentak 17 April 2019

Anita Anita, Nik Amah, M. Agus Sudrajat


The simultaneous elections took place on April 17th, 2019 were the general elections for the president and vice president. It was also the general elections for the legislature which were held on the same day. This study aims to analyze the difference in average stock prices, abnormal returns, and trading volume activity before and after the simultaneous elections on April 17th, 2019. This study uses a population of all stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The sample used is stocks which are included in the members of the compass index 100 in 2019. The sample selection method using purposive sampling technique, amounting to 80 companies. The method of analysis used the average difference test for each variable with 16 stock exchange day observation period, namely 8 days before and 8 days after the simultaneous election. The observations obtained indicate that there is no significant average difference in stock prices and abnormal returns. The results on trading volume activity have a significant average difference. Before investing, capital market players can first observe the condition of the capital market, especially when political events such as the change of president and vice president occur which can affect the country's economic stability.

Keywords: Simultaneous election, stock price, abnormal return, trading volume activity

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