Yuanita Tri Setyaning Astuti


This research aims to empirically prove the influence of advertising strategy to the purchasing decision, empirical evidence does the brand image of the moderating influence of the advertising strategy to the purchasing decision, empirical, and empirical evidence does the brand image of the moderating influence of sales promotion to the Oppo smartphone product purchasing decision in Madiun city.This research uses a quantitative approach to the design of causal. The draft survey technique using research. The population are consumer brand of Oppo smartphone at the counters or stores selling various types of brand Oppo smartphone that is in the city of Madison during the research period, which amounted to 653 people. Sampling with a purposive sampling technique, with the number of samples as much as 191 people yangditentukan with the table of Isaac-Michael. Research instrument is a questionnaire that has been proven validity and reliabilitasnya. Data analysis techniques using a Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA).Results of the study prove that: (1) Advertising strategies has positive and significant effect to the Oppo smartphone product purchasing decision in the town of Madison, (2) the Brand image of the moderating influence of the advertising strategy of product purchase Oppo Smartphone in Madiun Town, (3) Sales promotion has positive and significant effect to the decision of purchasing products in the city of Madiun Oppo smartphone, and (5) the Brand image of the moderating influence of the sales promotion of the purchase of the smartphone products Oppo in town of Madiun.


Keywords : advertising, sales promotion, purchase decision, brand image

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