Merdiyanti Sarah Isti Rahayu, Karuniawati Hasanah


This study aims to demonstrate empirically the bonding effect on customer loyalty, trust influence on customer loyalty, influence of communication on loyalty, satisfaction effect on customer loyalty, and commitment influence on customer loyalty Jafra products in Madiun. This research aims to empirically prove the bonding effect on customer loyalty, trust influence on customer loyalty, influence of communication on loyalty, satisfaction effect on customer loyalty, and commitment influence on customer loyalty Jafra products in Madiun. The method used in this research is associative method to form a causal relationship. Results of the study prove that: (1) Bonding effect on customer loyalty products Jafra in Madiun, (2) Trust effect on customer loyalty products Jafra in Madiun, (3) Communication effect on customer loyalty products Jafra in Madiun, (4) Satisfaction effect on customer loyalty Jafra products in Madiun, (5) commitment effect on customer loyalty Jafra products in Madiun, and (6) Bonding, trust, communication, satisfaction, and commitment simultaneous effect on customer loyalty Jafra products in Madiun.

Keywords:   relationship marketing, customer loyalty

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