Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Peringkat Obligasi Pada Perusahaan Properti Real Estate Dan Kontruksi Yang Tertcatat Di PT Pefindo Tahun 2013-2017

Saiful Arafah


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of partial and simultaneous profitability, growth, leverage, liquidity, bond age, collateral, and company size on the rating of property, real estate and construction companies listed at PT Pefindo in 2013-2018. The research population is property, real estate and construction companies that were listed at PT Pefindo in 2013-2017, while the samples were property, real estate and construction companies that issued a complete financial report 2013-2017. Data analysis using logistic regression analysis.The results showed that 1. Profitability, growth, leverage, and age of bonds affect the rating of bonds of property, real estate, and construction companies, 2. Liquidity, collateral and size of the company do not affect the rating of property, real estate and construction bonds. , 3. Profitability is the most dominant factor in bond ratings.

Keywords: profitability, growth, leverage, liquidity, bond age, collateral, company size, bond rating

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