Komala (Box Deed of Pancasila) as The Concrete Efforts Reducing Mental Crisis and Building Children Characteristics
The fact of the increase can be seen from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) which was launched by Kompas (25/1/2012). Drug users in 2008 has reached 3.6 people, an increase in 2011 to 3.8 million people. Meanwhile, the number of drug cases increased from 23,531 cases in 2010 to 26,500 cases in 2011. Some of the above cases have made it clear that Pancasila as the state of ideology is no longer used as a guide to attitude. At this time, the noble values of Pancasila begin to be abandoned. Those condition needs a serious effort in reconstructing the moral of students in this nation in order to create an intellectual and competitive generation related to the character of Pancasila. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to instill the values of Pancasila through KOMALA (Kotak Amalan Pancasila) to the children so they will be familiar with and practice the noble values of the Pancasila.
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