The Using of Local Wisdom-Based Picture Series in Indonesian Subject of Telling Experience
The four language skills (writing, reading, listening, and speaking) are considered important in life, students are not only given theories, but also meaningful learning. Meaningful Indonesian learning is a learning that can be remembered, attached, and applied by students. The success of learning is the teacher’s role as a facilitator. Teachers must be creative and innovative. One of the teacher creativity is the using of instructional media. Examples of media that can be used in learning Indonesian is "Local wisdom-based picture series". Picture series are Indonesian learning media that contains hints of story frameworks for students when recounting their experiences. There is local culture pictures at back as additional insights of students. Besides, media, models, and learning strategies which should be considered by teachers, learning is designed with several activities that are divided into four main sessions, namely apperception, material explanation, group game, and concluding sessions.
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