The Implementation of E-Learning Synergism Based on Edmodo and Class Discussion as a Solution to Reduce The Mental Crisis
Education is an important for human resource. Learners are the main subject in education who need improvement to increase their creativity, such as the learning process in fourth class (4) E PGSD major in Universitas PGRI Madiun, the students being passive when they ask for their opinion about a problem or an issue. However, this country needs a critical thinking from the university students to improve education aspect. Many students who are passive or can be described as a low in critical thinking will inhibit the learning process. Meanwhile, the knowledge that they have becomes useless due to they have low mentally. It needs Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi to reduce the mental crisis in university students using E-learning model based on Edmodo that can replace students discussion in class. To implement this model, student have an Edmodo account and when the lecturer could not come to class, he or she share the topic that is going to be discussed in Edmodo, instead of that it can be used to class sharing; sharing opinion among other students in class which related to the topic that has given to actualize Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Universitas PGRI Madiun. The implementation of E-learning based on Edmodo and class discussion expected to actualize Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in UNIPMA, with this innovation it can be reduce mental crisis in every individual. University students be more active and the learning process not constrained by time, place and situation.
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