The influence of science environment technology society (SETS) approach by using fishbowl method at the the thematic learning

Nella Dewiyasta Kusumastuti


This study aims to determine whether or not the influence of the Science Environment Technology Society (SETS) approach with Fishbowl Method on the thematic learning learning outcomes of the fourth grade students of SDN Banjarejo. This research is a quantitative research. The population of this study was fourth grade students of SDN Banjarejo in Madiun city, and the techniques in choosing sample is by using simple random sampling. While the research design is Posttest-Only Control Design. The technique of answering data using the test method with 20 MCQs. The data analysis technique used is hypothesis testing using the t-test (t-test) which previously tested the requirements for normality test and homogeneity test data. Based on the results of the hypothesis test with the t-test showing that tcount = 2.543 > ttable = 1.67356 then H1 is accepted which means using the SETS approach with the Fishbowl Method of student learning outcomes better. This means that the SETS approach with the Fishbowl Method is more effective than the conventional method seen from the results of better student learning outcomes in the experimental class.


science environment technology society (SETS) approach; fishbow method; thematic learning learning outcomes

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