The Implementation of Character Education in Learning Writing Story for Primary School Students Grade 5th
The purposes of this study are (1) to describe the implementation of character education in the planning of learning writing story (2) to describe the implementation of character education in learning writing story (3) to describe the implementation of character education in learning writing story for 5thgrade students. This study is kind of qualitative descriptive study. The data of this study is collected based on facts and information on the implementation of character education in learning writing story for primary school students grade 5th. In this study the sources of data are teachers and students. Data collection techniques which are used in this study consist of (a) observation, (b) interview, (c) test, (d) and documentation. Data analysis technique is done by using interactive model data analysis technique. The result of this study shows that the learning writing story for primary school students grade 5th has integrated with character education since the planning. In the process of implementation, integration of character education has been seen from the pre-activities, whilst, and post-activities. The assessment for the students is also implementing character education value.
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