Increasing Learning Acknowing Children Stories With Listening in Action Method Through Media Audio on Student Class V
This study aims to improve the ability to listen to children's stories on class V students using the Listening in Action method through audio media. The subjects of this study were the students of grade V SDN Taman 01 Madiun which amounted to 32 students. The object of this study is the ability to listen to children's stories. The data collection techniques used are qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques. Qualitative data analysis technique is the calculation of percentage analysis of student activities in the learning process. Quantitative data analysis technique is to find the average value of the ability to listen to children's stories every cycle. Improved ability to listen to children's stories can be seen from the increase in enthusiasm and student activity during the learning as well as from the improvement of the average ability to listen to children's stories. The results on the prasiklus test showed an average score of 59.84 and in the first cycle the grade point average increased to 66.87 or in the less category. In cycle II the average value of 79.22 and including good category, resulting in an increase of 18.47% of the cycle I ie from 66.87 to 79.22.
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