Ani Purwanti, Joko Widiyanto, Cicilia Novi Primiani


This study aims to determine the effect of topical and oral preparations of teak leaves (T. grandis) on the extent of male mice burns. The study was conducted in April-July 2018, using an experimental approach and a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions. The experimental animals used in the study were male mice aged 2-3 months and weighing 20-38 grams. The treatments used included M0 (control treatment), M1 (treatment with synthetic ointment), M2 (treatment with topical preparations of 5% teak leaf ointment), M3 (treatment with oral preparations of teak leaves at 10 mg flavonoid / gBB) and M4 (treatment with topical preparations of 5% teak leaf ointment and oral preparations of teak leaves dose 10 mg flavonoid / gBB). Measuring the area of burns was done once every 4 days using an accuracy of 0.02 mm calipers. The results showed that the five treatments had different effects on the extent of male mice burns. The fastest narrowing of burns was M1 and M2 treatment which left a wound area of 0 cm on day 29.

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