Haraningtias Haraningtias, Sri Utami, Cicilia Novi Primiani


This study aims to study the anatomy of the digestive system of the cyprinidae family found in the Ngebel Ponorogo Lake including form of the macroscopic structure, the anatomical location of the digestive organs and the color of the digestive gland and the assessment of biometry including length measurement and weighing of the digestive organs and digestive glands. The study was carried out on April until May 2018. Sampling of cyprinidae family fish was carried out at three different stations that had been determined based on different depth of the waters in the Ngebel Ponorogo Lake. Station I is around the cage area and is close to residential areas, Station II around the entrance and discharge of water in Ngebel Lake and Station III around the rubber tree area. there are three species of Cyprinidae family fish that have been caught, they are: tombro fish (Cyprinus carpio Linn), tawes fish (Barbodes gonionotus) and hampala fish (Hampala macrolepidota). The results showed that the shape, anatomical location of the digestive organs and the color of the digestive gland of tombro fish (Cyprinus carpio Linn), tawes fish (Barbodes gonionotus) and hampala fish (Hampala macrolepidota) were not much different because the three species were still included in one family, the cyprinidae family. Based on the results of length measurements and calculation of ratios is known that tombro fish (Cyprinus carpio Linn) are included in the class of omnivorous fish, tawes (Barbodes gonionotus) belong to the class of herbivorous fish and hampala fish (Hampala macrolepidota) included in the class of carnivorous fish.

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