Erlin Muktiani, Pujiati Pujiati, Muh. Waskito Ardhi


Indonesian Endemic Animals are animals that can only be found in Indonesian territory and not found in other regions. In the last three decades many Indonesian animals have been listed as endangered by the IUCN. In addition, many are also included in the CITES Appendix list. A total of 71 of the 816 endemic species of Indonesia, have been included in the IUCN Red List, this means 71 species of Indonesian animals have been included in the critical category. The existence of these endemic animals is very important, because if they become extinct in Indonesia then that means they are also extinct in the world. Environmental damage, hunting, and illegal trade that are the cause of the decline in the number of endemic animals have higher numbers along with the needs of human life and then exacerbated by offering high prices for very rare species of animals. This Endemic Animal Ladder is an effort to make people aware of the importance of endemic animals owned by Indonesia. This study uses the method of pre test and post test by testing the effectiveness of endemic animal snake ladder in a sample of students of class VIII A SMPIT Bakti Ibu Madiun. The results conclude that Endemic Animal Ladder is effective to be used as an educational means and awareness of the importance of endemic Indonesian animals.

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