Tety Yunara Megadani, Marheny Lukitasari, Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna


The purpose of this research and development is : (1) Produce the biology module about the growth based metacognition. Type of the research is research and development. Research and development (R & D) is the process used to produce products and validate products. The models of development module used 4-D (Four D Model) there is Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The research is only limited to module validation, do not try testing because constraints time. To determine the feasibility of the module, so do validation module by the validator. In this study the module was validated to two validators who is namely biology lecturers and biology teachers. The module validation assessment is carried out using a questionnaire consisting of three aspects of evaluation, namely the systematics of the module, language, and the contents of the module. The results of module validation by two validators obtained 91.66%, the percentage shows that the module has very valid criteria or can be used in learning without revision.

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