Anang Suranto, Budi Wibowo


This study aims to find out how to implement lesson study-based experimental methods in science learning in elementary school. This type of research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach, the subject in the study is the fourth grade students of SDN 02 Pandean Madiun City with data retrieval techniques using observation sheets and individual student performance. This study was conducted three times face to face with basic competencies which refer to the fourth grade lessons of SDN 02 Pandean in Madiun City. The results of the study show that the quality of the Plan (planning) of learning increases, optimizing Do (implementation), and See can improve students' performance skills in each practice. The average student performance value at each meeting is 78.5; 82,5; and 85.5. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the implementation of the experimental method based on Lesson Study on Natural Sciences can improve the quality of learning devices and the results of student performance.

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