Vidhalif Herlya Puspita Ardhiani, R. Bekti Kiswardianta, Joko Widiyanto


This study aims to determine the significant influence of different water media administration on productivity and water plant stomata index (Eichhornia crassipes). This study uses one shot case study design with experimental methods. In this study a group was given treatment / treatment which was divided into 5 treatment groups. A1 treatment using freshwater media with a ratio of 3:0, A2 treatment using a mixture of freshwater and seawater media with a ratio of 3:1, A3 treatment using a mixture of freshwater and seawater media with a ratio of 1:1, A4 treatment using a mixture of water media fresh and sea water with a ratio of 1:3, and A5 treatment using sea water with a ratio of 0:3,. The results of the research on productivity including wet weight and dry weight did not show any significant effect between treatments where in the wet weight F count 1.109 <F table 2.62 and dry weight F count 2.379 <F table 2.62 so that H0 is accepted and no further testing , while the stomatal index test results showed a significant influence where the test results showed F calculated 70.178> F table 2.62 so that H0 was rejected and then followed by BNT or LSD test 5%. 

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