Antonia Nani Cahyanti, Adi Sampurno, Anisa Rachmasari


In a difficult situation during the Covid 19 pandemic, especially those related to health and economic problems, the application of research-based milk fermentation technology in the laboratory (yogurt with local flavor variants) needs to be more intense and effective to be disseminated to the public, so that they will try to make it simple products but have more value to increase immunity for the family. Socialization back to PKK mothers is complemented by feedback from previous training activities, which needs to be done so that starting from them, the community is more familiar with and wants to consume, even then they are adept at making their own and innovating by using local materials. The purpose of this PKM is so that PKK women have knowledge and skills of local fruit yogurt, by paying attention to technical problems regarding pasteurization, starter culture, and syneresis, which often arise during the process of making it on a household scale. The output produced is scientific information on innovative fermented milk processing which is written in the form of proceedings which will be published at the National Seminar on Symbiosis V UNIPMA. The implementation of community service activities is carried out with counseling to the manufacture of products, with the following materials: a review of the manufacture of fermented milk from cow's milk and the practice of making fermented milk, pasteurization and sterilization processes in making fermented milk and practices, and an explanation of the innovation of processing fresh milk through the application of fresh fruit , traditional sugar or essence in the manufacture of fermented milk. Evaluation is carried out by discussion during the activity. Monitoring is carried out by distributing questionnaires before and after the training is complete and free consultation is open to women of the Bukit Diponegoro Tembalang Housing Complex through social media (wa). The practical and training materials provide feedback from previous similar activities that caused many failures in making yogurt on a household scale, as well as discussions based on experiences and questions from participants. Among other things, the type and concentration of starter, microbial control with temperature and incubation time to optimize the process and prevent contamination, pasteurization and syneresis. Then introduce local ingredients to replace essences and increase dietary fiber in making yogurt, and introduce blanching techniques to overcome problems related to flavor, color, mucus, and sap in fruit. The result of this activity was that all participants knew about yogurt products, but only 25% knew about the process of making yogurt. Participants who already know the process of making yogurt only get information through YouTube, but have never practiced it directly. The information about the pasteurization process of milk was still poorly understood by mothers because most of the participants (75%) did not know the term and some had just heard the term. The type of yogurt that the participants liked was yogurt with a variety of fruit flavors, so it is very suitable to provide information on local fruit flavor variants of a yogurt product.


Key words: Fruit yogurt, pasteurization, syneresis

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