Wahyu Jokopriyambodo, Nita Supriyati, Sutjpto Sutjpto


Natural dyes used for food are well known by the public, however, many of their use has shifted to synthetic dyes. In plants, anthosinin is a pigment that can be extracted from natural sources, including the flavonoid compound. This anthocyanin pigment is also found in purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). This pigment plays a role in the appearance of red to blue in some flowers, fruits and leaves.

In connection with the foregoing, research was carried out on the development of natural dyes derived from purple sweet potatoes as functional foods, so apart from being natural dyes, they also have physiological functions that are beneficial to health. This study aims to obtain natural dyes that are stable, safe and can be used as natural colorants for functional foods. The benefit of this research is obtained by stable functional natural dyes.

The results showed that the dye from purple sweet potato was strongly influenced by changes in environmental pH.


Keywords: natural dyes, sweet potato, functional food, health

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