Eko Apriliyanto


The problem of crops pests is still a major obstacle in crop cultivation activities. Therefore it is necessary  that technology transfer activities regarding environmentally friendly pest control need to be carried out in a sustainable manner. The method used in this activity was the provision of material for all participants in the submission of RW 5, Lengkong Village, Rakit District, Banjarnegara Regency. The activity began with a pre-test of knowledge of soil borne pests and their control efforts. The activity continued with providing material and discussion. Before giving material to participants, a test was conducted for participants by choosing the right or wrong answers about pest control. The mean test score of the participants was 51,11 with the highest score of 70. Initially, most of the participants did not understand about environmentally friendly efforts to control pests with soil health. Generally, the participants knew about pest control efforts  by spraying synthetic chemical pesticides on the plant parts. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the discussion session with the questions submitted by the participants to the speakers. Evaluation of activities about increasing participants' knowledge can be found from delivering participants' correct answers to the resource persons' questions given randomly to participants. Participants in the routine recitation meeting of RW 5 in Lengkong Village have increased knowledge about pest control with soil sanitation based on Trichoderma sp.


Keywords: control, health, crops pests, soil

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