Novanda Eka Saputra, Ani Sulistyarsi


This study aims to determine the effect of oral simplicia preparation of Moringa oleifera leaves on kidney histological of female mice. The study was conducted in March-June 2019, using an experimental approach and a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 6 repetitions. The experimental animals used in the study were female mice aged 12-16 weeks and weighing 30-40 grams. The treatments used included P0 (control treatment), P1 (treatment with simplicia moringa oleifera leaves 126 gram/20 kg weight), P2 (treatment with simplicia moringa oleifera 0,168 gram/20 kg weight) P3 (treatment with simplicia moringa oleifera 0,210 gram/20 kg BB weight). Kidneys of all mice were collected on day 18th, following treatment. Histological preparations for was made and stained with haematoxylin eosin. Data were analyzed using one way. has the same average significantly and does not affect the glomerular diameter of the kidneys. Glomerular diameter in all treatment groups showed that the glomerular arrangement was normal. The glomerular diameter between the control group and group P1, P2, and P3 did not experience a significant difference. This indicates that the function of kidney filtration in the glomerulus is still normal kidney histological in all treatment groups no histological damage or normal was found.


Keywords: Hitology, Kidneys, glomerular  Simplicia, Mice

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