Kamalia Arifa Nailul Hidayah, Muh. Waskito Ardhi, Pujiati Pujiati


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class VIII MTs Terpadu Al Firdaus through the implementation of mind mapping-based holding. This research was conducted in May 2019 with a pre-cycle , cycle I, and cycle II with each cycle of one meeting. Pre cycle to find out the initial abilities of students by using the lecture method. Cycles I and II apply scaffold-based mind mapping. The research was a classroom action research with a qualitative descriptive study. Research will be canceled must be increased. Data obtained by test and observation methods. The results of the study indicate an increase in learning outcomes. The prasiklus learning outcomes of the class average value were 51.97, the first cycle of the class average value increased to 56.78, and in the second cycle increased to 62.02. While the results of mastery learning in the pre-cycle 5.56% cycle I rose to 16.67%, and in the second cycle increased to 27.78%. The value of student attitudes and skills also increases in each cycle. The attitude of students at an average level of 61.80, then rose to 73.95 in the first cycle. In the second cycle also increased to 84.02. The average skill of students in pre-cycle is 50.34. In the first and second cycles increase, in full, it becomes 65.62 and 76.04. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows that scaffolding based on mind mapping on excretory system material can be used to improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords : scaffold, mind mapping, student learning outcomes

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