Erna Puji Wahyuni, Ani Sulistyarsi


The problem that often arises in learning activities is that the teacher uses the lecture method. In addition, science learning emphasizes learning directly. One way for students to be more active in learning activities is to use Student Worksheets. The purpose of this study was to develop Science Process Skills based worksheets material in Animal and Plant Organs and to determine the effectiveness of LKS based on Science Process Skills material in grade VII of Animal and Plant Organ of class VII of Sawahan 1 Junior High School, Madiun Regency. This study uses the type of Research & Development (R & D) research found by Thiagarajan (4-D). This model consists of 4 stages of development, namely: Defining (Define), Designing (Design), Development (Develop), Dissemination (Disseminate). The trial design uses a limited trial with a total of 20 students and a semi-field trial conducted in two classes, namely the control class of 30 students and the experimental class of 30 students. In the limited trial the average score is 4.03 with a "High" criterion at the semi field trial has an average of 4.11 with the criteria "High". The LKS effectiveness of Science Process skills is known by using the t-test obtained by tcount (| - 3,322 |> ttable (2,576), so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So, there is influence using LKS based on Science Process Skills in science learning material.


Key Words: Student Worksheets, Science Process Skills, Animal and Plant Organs.

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