Lely Dwi Fitriana, Nurul Kusuma Dewi


This research aims to improve the learning results  8th grade  students junior high school "X" in Madiun Regency through the application of guided inquiry model on material excretory system. This research was conducted in March until June 2019 with pre-cycle stages, cycle 1 and cycle 2 with each cycle of one meeting. Pre-cycle to find out the initial abilities of students by using the usual methods used talkactive. Cycles 1 and 2 apply the guided inquiry model. This research is class action research with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data obtained by observation, test and documentation methods. The results of the pre-cycle class average value of 41.00, cycle 1 is 60.00, cycle 2 is 68.33.HOTS learning completeness in pre-cycle is 6.67%, cycle 1 is 13.33% and cycle 2 has increased to 40%. Student learning completeness in the pre cycle is 13.33%, cycle 1 is 46.67% and cycle 2 has increased to 76.67%. It can be analyzed that the guided inquiry model can improve result students. Based on the results of research conducted, it shows that the application of guided inquiry to excretory system material can be used in learning so students are more active and creative and student learning outcomes can be improved.


Keywords: Guided inquiry, student learning results, 8th grade JHS, excretion system.

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