Tantri Rahmawati, Muh. Waskito Ardhi


This research aims to improve learning outcomes through the granting of learning journal assignments with students of class IX of the U.S. ISLAMIC INTERACTIVITY reproduction material. The study was conducted on the IX 1 class with 18 students. The research was conducted with the planning, implementation, observation and reflection phases with 2 cycles of each each cycle of one meeting. Data collection techniques using observation sheets and tests. Research approaches use collaborative types of classes. Results showed on the pre-cycle of obtaining the results of study only 16.6% of the classifications average of 61.6 and the affective value of the students 62.9%, as well as psychomotor Strongswan 67.5%. The I-cycle results in learning 38.8% with the classical average of 72.7 and the student's affective 74.6%, as well as psychomotor value in the yield of 74.07%. The cycle II was granted a 66.6% survival rate with a classical average of 77.2 and a student's affective value of 78.3% of the psychomotor value of students at 79.6%. The implementation of study journal assignments can have a positive influence that can improve students ' learning performance by marked increase in the value of each cycle


Keywords: Learning Journals, learning outcomes

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