Magfurin Magfurin, R. Bekti Kiswardianta


This study aims: 1) To develop LKS-based Multiple Choice Test instruments to measure students' abilities in learning reproductive system biology in humans. (2) Knowing the quality of LKS-based Multiple Choice Test instruments based on expert evaluation and student responses. (3) To determine the feasibility of student worksheets (LKS) as instruments. This research uses Reaserch and Development research. With the 4-D method, it includes the stages of defining, designing, developing and distributing. The product developed is a Multiple Choice Test based on LKS on human reproductive system material. The quality of the instrument is determined by a small class test, evaluation expert validation. The results of the development of the instrument were analyzed by ANATES The results of this study were 1) The expert validator stated that the entire instrument was feasible and categorized very well 2) The quality of the instrument could be seen based on the reliability level of 0.86 categorized as very good. 77.78 distinguishing power The level of difficulty of the items shows "2 questions are categorized as" difficult ", 15 questions are categorized as" medium ", 3 questions are categorized as" easy "the correlation coefficient item> 0.499 is declared" very significant".

Keywords: Multiple Choice Test (MCT), LKS

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