Aisyah Hadi Ramadani, Reny Rosalina, Riska Suryaningrum


Puhrejo is one of district in Ngancar Village, located at the foot of Kelud Mountain in the administrative area of Kediri and known as the centers of honey pineapple plantations. The amount of pineapple production reaching 14,000 tons per year is a huge potential for local resources to be utilized further. However, the reality is still difficult to find pineapple product variants produced by the local community. The products that have been produced are limited as dodol and fruit extract which are processed from pineapple fruit, while the peels and leaves have not been utilized as a product with high selling value, even though both parts are a waste product of fruit and plantation processing activities. The problem that occurs is the unequal distribution of information, education and training for the community. For this reason, this program partners with the Puhrejo community as an effort to transfer pineapple processing information in an integrated manner with the aim of increasing the economic independence of the partner community. The methods used are socialization, training, and assistance in integrated pineapple processing for 4 months. The implementation of activities emphasizes to community participation activeness and sustainable with target achievement indicators such as (1) increasing community understanding of pineapple products variant from its fruit, peel, and leaf; (2) the enthusiasm of the target group in the training activities; and (3) successful manufacturing of products. This initiation program succeeded in increasing the community's understanding of the use value of whole pineapple plants by 87% from before. During the training the community showed high enthusiasm with attendance reaching 95% and succeeded in making 3 products as pineapple fruit juice, organic fertilizer from pineapple peel, and pineapple leaf paper.


Keywords: empowerment, community participation, pineapple, Ngancar

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