Indah Dwi Jayanti, Muhamad Agus Sudrajat, Juli Murwani


This study entitled "The Influence of Profitability, Company Growth and Company Size on Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable". The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of Profitability, Company Growth and Company Size on Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as a Moderating Variable in mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2022. The population in this study were 24 mining companies listed on the IDX. The sample in this study used purposive sampling by obtaining 96 samples of mining companies listed on the IDX. The method used in this study is a quantitative method obtained from financial reports obtained from the official website, while the analytical tool uses SPSS. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis test for the coefficient of determination r2, T test (partial test) and MRA test. Based on the results of the test, it was found that the results of Company Profitability and Growth did not have a significant effect on Firm Value, while Company Size had a significant effect on Firm Value. Managerial Ownership shows that it is able to moderate the effect of Profitability and Firm Size on Firm Value, while Managerial Ownership is not able to moderate the effect of Company Growth on Firm Value.

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