Sahrun Sahriar, Intisari Haryanti


This study entitled "The Influence of the Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decisions at PT Astra Motor Kota Bima". The purpose of this study was to test and empirically influence the marketing mix on purchasing decisions at PT Astra Motor Kota Bima. The population in this study is not known with certainty, so the Unknown Population formula is used to determine the sample size. The method used in this research is the associative method which is obtained from the survey data on purchasing decisions at PT. Astra Motor Bima Jln. Sultan Hasannudin, Sarae, Kec. West Rasanae, Bima city while the analysis tool used SPSS 25. Data analysis used validity and reliability tests, simple linear regression tests, correlation coefficients and determination tests, hypothesis testing (t test). Based on the results of the t test it was found that the effect of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions (studies on Astra Honda motorcycles) in Bima City was accepted with a significant value of 4.298.

Keywords: Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decisions

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