Dandi Muhamad Riski, Intisari Haryanti


Having loyal customers is a core goal of the company, because customer loyalty can guarantee the company's continuity in the long term. The phenomenon that occurs at our Bukit Cafe is that customer loyalty decreases due to the current rainy season, resulting in fewer visitors during this weather. Apart from that, customer loyalty is also influenced by competitors. This research aims to determine the influence of physical evidence, price and location on customer loyalty at our Bukit Cafe, both partially and simultaneously. The population is all customers or buyers who have made purchases and visited twice, with a sample size of 96 people. The analysis method uses multiple regression with the help of SPSS. The result. Based on the results of the statistical analysis of the t test, the variables Physical Evidence and location have no effect on customer loyalty at our Bukit Cafe. Meanwhile, the price variable influences customer loyalty at our Bukit Cafe. The results of the F test statistical analysis of the Physical Evidence, Price and Location variables influence customer loyalty at our Bukit Cafe.

Keywords: Physical evidence, price, location and customer loyalty

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