Ghita Devi Agustina, Maya Novitasari, Abd. Rohman Taufiq


This study aims to examine the effect of institutional ownership on income smoothing with profitability as a mediating variable. The independent variables used in this study are institutional ownership, the dependent variable is income smoothing and the mediating variable is profitability. The analytical method used in this study is multiple and simple linear regression analysis, and the mediating variable is measured by the Sobel test. This study uses the SPSS version 20 test. This study uses manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2019. The population in this study were 239 companies, and the samples taken using purposive sampling technique were 163 companies. The results showed that institutional ownership had no significant effect on income smoothing. Profitability has a significant effect on income smoothing, institutional ownership has a significant effect on profitability and profitability is not able to mediate the effect of institutional ownership on income smoothing.

Keywords: Institutional Ownership, Income Smoothing, Profitability

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