Ineke Anjani, Karuniawati Hasanah, Dian Citaningtyas ari Kadi


The Effect of Workload and Compensation towards Employee Performance with Job
Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable The background raised in this study was to measure
the performance of employees at the Satpol PP Madiun District by testing the level of
influence of Compensation and Workload of each personnel and testing the level of
Employess Job Satisfaction used as a mediating variable (Intervening). This research method
is descriptive quantitative with path analysis analysis technique using Smart PLS program.
The population used was 67 respondents with saturated sampling technique. The results of
this study concluded that: (1) there was an insignificant effect on the relationship of the
Compensation variable to Employee Job Satisfaction; (2) there was an in significant effect on
the Workload variable on Employee Job Satisfaction; (3) there was a significant effect on the
Compensation variable on Employee Performance; (4)there was a significant effect on the
Workload variable on Employee Performance; (5) there is an insignificant effect on the Job
Satisfaction variable on the Performance of the Madiun District Satpol PP; (6) Job
Satisfaction variable can not mediate the relationship of Compensation variable to Employee
Performance and the relationship of the Workload variable to the Performance of Madiun
District Satpol PP.

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