Ida Feriyana, Anny Widiasmara, Maya Novitasari


This research is included in a true experiment which aims to examine the interaction effect of mental accounting variables and framing effect on investment decision making. The method used is true experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design between subjects where there are two levels of mental accounting conditions (present and non-existent); two levels of framing effect conditions (positive and negative) with a total of 74 participants. Hypothesis testing in this study used the independent t-test difference. The results of the study show that: (1) there was a significant difference between investment decision making which was influenced by the presence of mental accounting compared to the absence of mental accounting; (2) there was a significant difference between investment decision making which was influenced by positive framing versus negative framing; (3) there was a significant difference between investment decision making that are influenced by the presence of mental accounting and positive framing compared to the absence of mental accounting and negative framing; and (4) there was a significant difference between investment decision making that are influenced by the presence of mental accounting and negative framing compared to the absence of mental accounting and positive framing.
Keywords: True Experiment, Mental Accounting, Framing Effect, Investment Decisions

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