Rahma Wahyu Permatasari, Hari Purwanto, Heny Sidanti


Factors thought to influence fluctuations in the Rupiah exchange rate against the US Dollar are inflation, interest

rates, the money supply, gross domestic product and the balance of payments. This study aims to prove the simultaneous and partial influence between inflation, interest rates, money supply, gross domestic product and balance of payments against the Rupiah exchange rate per US Dollar. This research is an associative research with a quantitative approach. The population used is monthly data that is inflation data, interest rates, money supply, gross domestic product, balance of payments and the US dollar exchange rate in 2018. While the sample uses  a  saturated  sampling  technique,  which  is  the  determination  of the  sample  with  all  members  of the population sampled. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics, classic assumption test, t test and F  test.  The  data  is  processed  using  SPSS  for  Windows  version  18.  From these  results  it  is  known that simultaneous inflation, interest rates, money supply, gross domestic product and the balance of payments affect the exchange rate of Rupiah per US  Dollar. While partially inflation,  interest  rates, money supply,  gross domestic product and balance of payments do not affect the Rupiah exchange rate per US Dollar.

Keywords: Rupiah Exchange Rate, US Dollar Exchange Rate


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