Muhammad Fahad


Product placement is the development of a marketing strategy that no longer uses conventional advertising, but follows the development of mass communication media that are mobile or sound media such as radio, television, internet, and other digital media. Vivo V9 is a brand of Mobile that is already very well known by consumers because of the sophistication of the features pinned on the cellphone. The purpose of this study can be formulated as follows: (1) Analyzing partially the influence of product placement on purchase intention on consumers of VIVO V9 in Madiun City. (2) Analyzing partially the effect of brand recall on purchase intention on consumers of VIVO V9 in Madiun City. (3) Simultaneously analyzing the effect of product placement and brand recall on purchase intention on consumers of VIVO V9 in Madiun City. The population in the study was the Madiun people who bought VIVO V9 with a total of 90 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression, t test and F test. The results of the study show (1) there is an effect of product placement on purchase intention on consumers of VIVO V9 in the city of Madiun. (2) there is a brand recall effect on purchase intention on VIVO V9 consumers in Madiun City. (3) there is the influence of product placement and brand recall on purchase intention on VIVO V9 consumers in Madiun City.


Keywords: Placemen Products, Brand Recall, Purchase Intension

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