Graeisa Grahetta Virare


PT Industri Kereta Api or PT INKA (Persero) is the first state-owned enterprise (BUMN) integrated railway manufacturing in Southeast Asia. The problems that occur in PT Kereta Api (Persero) are indications that the performance of employees has greatly increased. Increased Employee Performance is caused by developments in the use of information technology. This study aims to analyze the effect of the use of information technology on employee performance (case studies on employees of PT Industri Kereta Api). The population in this study was 100 employees and used saturated samples. The data used are primary data with the method of collecting data is a questionnaire, research conducted on all population units and all respondents and then taken as a sample. The analysis technique used is the validity, reliability, simple regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination. Based on the results of research, information technology has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Based on the results of the test, it shows that from the T Test, the regression model meets the conditions used to predict employee performance, or it can be said that the independent variables jointly influence employee performance. While based on the coefficient of determination analysis, employee performance can be explained by an information technology variable of 99.5%.

Keywords: Information Technology, Employee Performance

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