Alendra Ega Pradana


The characteristics of entrepreneurship can be found in the attitudes or actions taken by an entrepreneur. These attitudes and actions usually cover a large part of entrepreneurial attitudes. Attitudes and actions carried out in daily life. The success of a business may not be achieved, but the success of a business can be seen from the entrepreneur himself, because success is caused by entrepreneurs who are smart, creative brains, curiosity, following technological developments and being able to apply them productively or appropriately. The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence about the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics on business success in catfish farmers in Madiun. Data were taken from all 152 catfish farmers entrepreneurs in Madiun as many as 152 entrepreneurs. Data collection instruments using questionnaires, data collected and then processed using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the entrepreneurial characteristic variables had a significant effect on business success variables.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Business Success, Catfish Farmers

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