Rama Bangun Wijaya, Nik Amah, Maya Novitasari


The aim of this research is to understand the application of responsibility accounting as a cost control tool in improving efficiency in POs. Advanced Current Yogyakarta. Source of data comes from primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods were obtained from interviews and documentation. The analytical method used is descriptive analyst. The results showed that PO. Maju Lancar Yogyakarta applies responsibility accounting. There is an organizational structure that clearly implements the authority and responsibility of each level of management, the budgeting process refers to the Otobus Company's activity plan for one year, the existence of controlled and uncontrolled cost segregation, the classification of account codes, and the cost reporting system as a condition for applying accounting responsibility. Companies still need to separate between controlled costs and uncontrolled costs, and the need for a rearrangement of the division of responsibility accounting in each section.
Keywords: Responsibility Accounting, Cost Control, Increasing efficiency.

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