Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Surat Perintah Kerja Berbasis Web Pada PDAM Kota Madiun

Mustajib Umroni, Sri Anardani


PDAM Kota Madiun does not have a work order information system, which is a system that records work orders directed to officers online and can be received directly by the officers. The current system in place involves printing out and manually providing work order letters to the respective officers. This research aims to design and develop a web-based work order information system,  at PDAM Kota Madiun. By using this work order information system, it will facilitate the administrator in monitoring the officers while they are on duty and save time in sending out printed work order letters to the officers. The chosen approach for system development is the Waterfall Model. This model comprises several distinct phases: initial requirement analysis, subsequent system design, implementation and coding, followed by integration and testing, and concluding with operation and maintenance. The result of this research is the Design and Development of a Web-Based Work Order Information System, with a Case Study at PDAM Madiun City.

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