Tatas Hari Wicaksono, Andi Rahma Putera


Proposal is a form of activity design and budget draft in written form to apply for funding. One of them is implemented at the University of PGRI Madiun in the form of submission of UKM funds so that with financial assistance UKM can develop the interests and talents of students outside the classroom to the maximum. Considering that currently the development of technology is very rapid, we need a breakthrough to minimize the occurrence of human error and accelerate the process of submitting a proposal that is by making a website-based SME fund management application. In addition, this research can provide better benefits at the University of PGRI Madiun related to the process of filing SME funds. This research uses the waterfall method because these methods are sequential where the previous steps are completed first before going to the next step starting from needs analysis, website design, design / implementation, evaluation / testing, and maintenance. With this website-based UKM fund management application, the process for submitting UKM funds can be done digitally so that it is more efficient and effective because the submission of UKM funds can be done without having to visit the relevant institutions.

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Universitas PGRI Madiun
Jl. Auri No. 14-16  Kota Madiun 63118
Lt 3 Kantor Program Studi Teknik Informatika
email :  senatik@unipma.ac.id

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