Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah, Kurnia Tri Yuli


Based on observations on the implementation of learning social studies in the academic year 2013/2014 in the class IV SDN Tower 4 Malang is known that the method adopted in the class is a lecture varied. The teacher presents the subject matter by way of lectures accompanied by question and answer session, giving exercises, and provide PR. In this study only some students listening to the teacher's explanation, many students are less bold in asking. This causes the students' motivation is low, so that the study results are also low. Therefore, it is necessary to change the teaching methods used, in this case the researchers apply to the image and Dance botle learning model that aims to improve motivation and learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SDN Tower 4 Malang. Cooperative learning botle Dance is one model of learning that follows several phases: (1) forming a heterogeneous group, (2) the provision of the questions and discussion groups, (3) the submission of the results of the group discussions, (4) evaluation. This study uses classroom action research (CAR) conducted in two cycles. I cycle with the subject of History, and the second cycle in the topic How to Maintain Objects of Historical and Benefits Obtained From Caring for Our Heritage. The study was conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014 in the class IV SDN Tower 4 Malang. Subjects in this study amounted to 32 students. Based on the analysis of students' motivation when the application of media images and the learning model botle Dance in cycle I is 78.10%, and the second cycle is 86.45%. This increase also occurred on student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes prior to the use of media images and the learning model botle Dance ketuntasannya is 56.25%, in the first cycle is 75%, and the second cycle is 84.37%. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the use of media images and Dance botle learning model can improve motivation and learning outcomes IPS grade IV SDN Tower 4 Malang.


Media images, learning model botle Dance, motivation, learning outcomes.

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