Asroful Kadafi


Islamic Counseling is an effort to help the individual to get back to nature by empowering (empowering) of faith, reason, and the willingness of God-given to the servants to learn the guidance of Allah and His Messenger, in order of nature which exist in the individual develops properly and sturdiness with reference to Revelation Allah and the Sunnah of RasulAllah SAW. In the face of the ASEAN Economic Community, Islamic Counseling very need to be calculated by a counselor in providing services to individuals. MEA is a realization of the ultimate goal of the economic integration that has been agreed by the member countries of ASEAN. The purpose of writing this article is to explain the urgency of Islamic Counseling as a new approach to counseling services that must be applied in the ASEAN Economic Community. The discussion in the writing of this article uses qualitative descriptive approach. The result of the discussion, showing Islamic counseling plays an important role in helping people to solve the problem in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community, where competition for increasingly competitive job prone to reveal a problem for the individual. Application Islamic Counseling, in it need to be considered: Foundations of Islamic Counseling, Counseling Interest Islami, the Islamic code of ethics Counseling, Counseling Principles of Islamic and Islamic Personality of a counselor.


Islamic Counseling, Economic ASEAN Community

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