Muhamad Abdul Roziq Asrori


The important role that must be done by Boarding School in a global era, often referred as a "global village", on the one hand are faced to the concept that the occupants must be able to maintain the values, traditions, cultures, institutions, education systems. The readiness of boarding institutions to address the challenges of global heavily depends on the process of adaptation to various social changes. From these institutions, the effort of our national identity and character preservation can be expected, either in the form of religion, social or culture, especially in education. When the government lauched the mental revolution program to prepare the cadre of young generation to take a part in global era, it seems that the crisis of identity becomes unresolved issues, even gobalization becomes the driving issue that can decrease the values of integrity among the teenagers today. Through the values of mental revolution strategy, the goverment is trying to recover the reputation of the nation and relieve the unrest of the society toward the reduction of morality and mentality to the nation prestige. It is interesting to explore the values from boarding school local culture which can be implemented as the development of mentality and morality among the students to realize mental revolution launched by the government, especially mental revolution in education in facing the Asean Economic Community.


values; educational mental revolution; boarding school local culture

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